version = in_array($version, $this->versions) ? $version : end($this->versions); if (null === $_http) { if (!in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) { trigger_error("It looks like you do not have curl installed.\n". "Curl is required to make HTTP requests using the twilio-php\n" . "library. For install instructions, visit the following page:\n" . "", E_USER_WARNING ); } $_http = new Services_Twilio_TinyHttp( "", array("curlopts" => array( CURLOPT_USERAGENT => self::USER_AGENT, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Accept-Charset: utf-8'), CURLOPT_CAINFO => dirname(__FILE__) . "/twilio_ssl_certificate.crt", )) ); } $_http->authenticate($sid, $token); $this->http = $_http; $this->accounts = new Services_Twilio_Rest_Accounts($this, "/{$this->version}/Accounts"); $this->account = $this->accounts->get($sid); } /** * Get the api version used by the rest client * * @return string the API version in use */ public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } /** * GET the resource at the specified path. * * @param string $path Path to the resource * @param array $params Query string parameters * * @return object The object representation of the resource */ public function retrieveData($path, array $params = array(), $full_uri = false) { if (!$full_uri) { $path = "$path.json"; } $query = $full_uri ? '' : '?'; return empty($params) ? $this->_processResponse($this->http->get($path)) : $this->_processResponse( $this->http->get($path . $query . http_build_query($params, '', '&')) ); } /** * DELETE the resource at the specified path. * * @param string $path Path to the resource * @param array $params Query string parameters * * @return object The object representation of the resource */ public function deleteData($path, array $params = array()) { $path = "$path.json"; return empty($params) ? $this->_processResponse($this->http->delete($path)) : $this->_processResponse( $this->http->delete("$path?" . http_build_query($params, '', '&')) ); } /** * POST to the resource at the specified path. * * @param string $path Path to the resource * @param array $params Query string parameters * * @return object The object representation of the resource */ public function createData($path, array $params = array()) { $path = "$path.json"; $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); return empty($params) ? $this->_processResponse($this->http->post($path, $headers)) : $this->_processResponse( $this->http->post( $path, $headers, http_build_query($params, '', '&') ) ); } /** * Convert the JSON encoded resource into a PHP object. * * @param array $response 3-tuple containing status, headers, and body * * @return object PHP object decoded from JSON */ private function _processResponse($response) { list($status, $headers, $body) = $response; if ($status == 204) { return TRUE; } if (empty($headers['Content-Type'])) { throw new DomainException('Response header is missing Content-Type'); } return $this->_processJsonResponse($status, $headers, $body); } private function _processJsonResponse($status, $headers, $body) { $decoded = json_decode($body); if (200 <= $status && $status < 300) { return $decoded; } /* throw new Services_Twilio_RestException( (int)$decoded->status, $decoded->message, isset($decoded->code) ? $decoded->code : null, isset($decoded->more_info) ? $decoded->more_info : null ); */ } }